Sunday 11 March 2007

Lecture 4 (Addapter, Factory Method and Iterator)

I was abit late for the lecture this and was surprised to see that the lecture had been moved to the postgraduate common room.
I think this turned out to be a positive move as we were to talk freely amongst ourselves about our ideas of the Factory method, Iterator and Adapter patterns. This might be because the design of the common room was better than the lecture room and induced a better atmosphere or it could be because of the number of students present.

I missed the discussion on the Factory method however I had a look at kester's blog and I was able to able to catch up on some points that were raised during the lecture. The Adapter pattern was interesting, it is amazing the amount examples available out there in terms of software development. The Iterator pattern is one we have used a number of times in a second year programming unit, I had no idea that we were actually implementing a pattern we using iterator to go through objects in an array for instance.
Looking at the Decorator pattern for the coursework, i had afew problems trying to understand how and when to actually implement this particular pattern. It helped when I started thinking of the decorator pattern as a "wrapper" which aids attaching additional function or responsibilities to an object dynamically.

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